
Ichiran Ramen - Tokyo (Asakusa)

11:13 AM
Another day, another food adventure in Japan! Jadi, waktu ke Jepang kemarin, gw sangat - sangat kepengen nyobain si Ichiran ini, karena banyak banget yang bilang kalo si Ichiran ini enak dan ketika gw browsing pun, banyak yang recommend ini sebagai ramen yang paling enak. So, ketika sampai di Asakusa kita langsung taro tas dan coba si Ichiran ini. Tempatnya di basement dan...


PABLO - Osaka Shin sai Bashi

6:11 PM
It's been years, and I'm ready to blog again!!! I have my Fuji in my pocket to shot beautiful food and snacks. Yipieeee!!! I'm very excited to share again my food and culinary journey with you guys. Okay! back to the Post Title, early October me and R went to Japan and we tried a lot of food. The one that linger in...



KempiDeli : Rainbow Bagel

5:42 PM
Have you heard about Rainbow Bagel? Because, I have! The first time I heard about Rainbow Bagel is in detik.com. I read an article about it, and I watched the video about rainbow bagel on YouTube. I was so curious about how it taste, since rainbow trend already over. I did a little research about Rainbow Bagel in Google and the original store...



Francis : Grand Indonesia

2:14 PM
So, have you heard about francis? First time I saw this bakery is when I ate abura soba in Grand Indonesia. I saw long line for this bakery, I thought this bakery will not long last like other booming bakery around Jakarta. So, I told R to wait couple of weeks so people will get bored of this bread and hopefully i don't...


Plaza Indonesia

Nam Nam Plaza Indonesia

10:52 AM
Have you a fan of Vietnamese food? I mean Pho. Why i ask this question? Because now I'm a big fan. First time I ate pho, it was at Pho24. Broth was bland and I need to put extra of everything to made the broth savory. But last week I ate Nam Nam because R came to Plaza Indonesia and He was very...



Morning Coffee with Starbucks

9:17 AM
Coffee always out of my league in my day to day life because when I drink it my heart will start pumping like really hard and I don't like that feeling at all. Today i woke up like 6 in the morning and took taxi to go to work. I arrived way too early and need something to light me up. So, i...



Dore by LeTao

4:57 PM
Hei all,  Quick blog post from me,  Dore by LeTao is open in Plaza Indonesia!! I passed by their store this afternoon and tried their Fromage cake which is a fluffy baked cream cheese layer with no-bake mascarpone.  ♥♥♥ Dore by LeTao Plaza Indonesia Level 3 Follow my Instagram @lovebbi89 With Love, Lovebbi ...


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