
Raa - Cha Suki & Barbeque

6:48 PM

R mention about Raa-Cha for a couple times but i just ignored what he said. Haha.. Sorry Baby! Long time ago, we went to Mall Kelapa Gading and R persuaded me ate Raa-Cha. Since R said they had the best broth in town, I agree to ate Raa-Cha. R already told me that Raa-Cha is a Thai Restaurant but I am surprised because this is self service restaurant. They had a long food and drink display. Me and R picked what we like and went to the cashier to pay and then they gave us number and took us to our table. 

Taaa- Daaaa.....

What i like the most? I think what i like the most is their sweet beef, because it's really juicy and melt in your mouth. i like their broth too but i think they have similar taste with H* Resto. The vegetable was fresh and they have nice sauce. In conclusion, i had great time when i ate at Raa Cha. I will be back soon to try another menu. 

For Rating :
Food : 7,5/10
Ambiance : 8/10 
Service : 7,5/10
Spend : 50.000,- /person
Mall Kelapa Gading 3 Pintu Utara | Tlp : 021-45853772
Pluit Village Lt. 4 | Tlp : 021-6670832
Citraland Lt. 5 | Tlp : 021-5686808
Mall Puri Indah Lt. 2 | Tlp : 021-5822667
Cihampelas Walk | Tlp : 022-2061016
Raa Cha Sukajadi | Tlp : 022-2035877

Website : http://raacharesto.com

With Love,
Btw you can follow my Instagram and Twitter @lovlavluv 


  1. I used to go to their outlet in pluit village. Love their broth and their thai chili sauce. I also like their grilled sweet beef :)pretty affordable for a suki place

    1. aih cepet amat comment-nya sampe kaget pas baca-nya. kita sama suka-nya TOSS dl donk (*~*)/\(*~*)

  2. i agree with you, love their grilled sweet beef, yummy! kalo buat gw, self service bikin dining experience jadi seru, mulai dari pilih pilih, cemplung cemplung dan bakar bakar sendiri, hehehe..

    1. Bener banget, jadi seru ya makannya... tapi kalo makannya bareng2 bisa pusing soalnya tempat bakarnya kecil bisa ketuker2 daging yg kita panggang :)


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