
Magnum Café by Magnum Ice Cream

9:39 PM

Hai guys, how are you? I just went back to Indonesia just for four days to do my graduation. When i touched down Jakarta, my friend called me and invited me to join a lovely dinner with her at M-cafe. Do you know M-cafe? Let me refresh your memory, Magnum Cafe, i think one year ago every one was talking about Magnum Café by Magnum Ice Cream. They opened at Grand Indonesia just for 3 months, and now they are back and their change their name to M-café The House of Chocolate.

Back to the story, Sadly i just ate my dinner with R, but i don’t want to let her down, So I and R came to M-cafe at Grand Indonesia to met her. Actually this is the first time i came to M-cafe, and I’m very amezed, because they have such a glamor and gorgeous interior. The waiters is very polite, she lead me and R to our friend. The ambiance is really good. Actually you can see the light of the monas. This kind of view very suitable to people who are working late and want to reduce their fatigue. There are many people in here, but according to my friend, she didn’t have to wait for a long time to get her food.  

In the other hand, you all can go to M-cafe with your friends, family or your boyfriend/girlfriend because this such a nice place to chill and waste your time with people that you love. Even I’m very dissappointed beacuse i already had my dinner. Next time, when i come back to Indonesia, I’m going to eat at M-cafe with R and you all should try this one of the fabolous cafe in Jakarta. This is some food picture that my friend ordered in M-cafe.


De Rainbow Distinct

In conclusion, my friend said all the food that she ordered was good. I love their atmosphere, they have such a nice place and have a good service. I have no doubt to come to M-cafe again, maybe candle light dinner with R at M-cafe.

For Rating :
Food : -/10
Ambiance : 8,5/10 
Service : 8,5/10
Grand Indonesia Shopping Town Lt. 6,
Jl. MH. Thamrin No.1,

Website :  http://mymagnum.co.id/mcafe

Btw you can follow my Instagram and Twitter

With Love,


  1. Been there many time and still love all their menu ;)

  2. i like magnum cafe.
    btw, kamu juga bisa share magnum cafe disini juga loch.. < http://qraved.com>

    Sudah ada yang ngeshare magnum kafe, http://www.qraved.com/restaurant/jakarta-thamrin-magnum-cafe-grand-indonesia

  3. Haii ..
    Saya ngajak anda gabung di Tanyain.com
    Disana anda bisa buat tulisan menarik, promosikan blog, dan berteman dengan sesama pengguna :)


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