Revisit Warung Pasta

10:09 PM

Last Saturday, i went to Warung Pasta again because i want to ate sushi miyabi at kemang but they are not opened yet. I came around 11 and they open at 4... Lame, why oh why when i planed something it never works. The other day, i went to convivium but they are closed too...

My brother is my companion that day, i little bit insist him to company me and he doesn't like sushi. Since sushi miyabi closed , he i told me he want to ate warung pasta. I can't refuse it. So we heading to Warung pasta. Last time i came here, i was disappointed. However, this time i quite please. Taste was good, service was nice....

 Caesar Salad Rp 12.000,-
 Penalty Kick  Rp 18.500,- (M)

 Mushroom Chunk Rp 13.500,- (S) 

 Salmon Tomato Rp 25.000,-

Taste was so great. I'm very happy. In the other hand, i had something on my mind about the taste, maybe this taste was so good because i came at 11 and they didn't have many customer. So the chef cooked without a rush. But who knows what happen in the kitchen 

Untuk Rating :
Food : 6.5/10
Ambiance : 7.5/10 
Service : 7/10
Spend : 50.000 - person

Warung Pasta
Jalan Kemang Raya No.88

With Love,


  1. itu kok keliatannya yang small sama medium sama aja ya porsinya..

    1. Hahahaah iya pin.. tapi tetep yang mushroom lebih sedikit koQ pin yg medium banyak banget ade gw ampe kenyank banget katanya...

  2. porsinya mungil ya ... buat cewe ok, buat cowo cuma nyempil doang. tapi untuk harga segitu sih ... OK lah. penyajiannya minimalis.

    itu kabel-kabel lampu, buset deh ... he he he ...

    1. Hahaha buat cewe yg S buat cowo yg L, kaya beli baju ya.. iya si harga nentuin rasa sekali :)

  3. penalty kicknya lumayan enak, asem2 gitu, ayam goreng tepung dg mayo stoberi juga lumayan

    1. Pinalty kicknya enak tapi aku sempet siyok soalnya meatball-nya baso abang2 gitu.. Haahahaha... aku kapok makan yg goreng tepung disana, soalnya pas makan mushroom gorengnya tepungnya kaya tepung pisang goreng gitu :p

  4. gw ga suka disini... pasta nya lebi parah dari pizza hut... tapi bingungnya rame terus ya

    1. harganya itu lho ramah dikantong para siswa dan mahasiswa haha, pas aku dateng juga kebanyakan yg muda yg dateng.. *sok tua sekali aku :p


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