Bakerzin disdus version

12:17 AM

Yes, Yes, Yes... Me and R love Bakerzin... We went to Bakerzin for lil tea party on our first date. Remember R? Ah, so sweet... Last Sunday we went to Bakerzin Plaza Indonesia for dinner. I called them first for reservation but they told me we couldn't make a reservation on Saturday and Sunday. When I'm on my way to Plaza Indonesia, i saw a parade. That's first time i saw a parade and really made my night. Back to Bakerzin, when we arrived i told them i want to use disdus voucher and than they gave me a special menu for disdus voucher.

Main Course:
- Tuna Pasta / Spaghetti with Meatballs
- Bakerzin Gourmet Burger / House Special Fried Rice
- Warm Chocolate Cake / Banana Pizza
- Grand Marnier Souffle / Bailey’s Irish Cream Souffle

We had to pick 2 main course and 2 dessert. So, I ordered tuna pasta and warm chocolate cake for R and Bakerzin Gourmet Burger and my all time favorite Bailey’s Irish Cream Souffle. 

R menu: 

Tuna Pasta

Tasted very yummy, R told me he really love the pasta, spicy and delicious. The spaghetti cooked perfectly, tuna isn't fishy. i can't say a word because it's too good. 

 Warm Chocolate Cake

And this is it! Warm chocolate cake with cheese ice cream. I already knew that Bakerzin made their own ice cream and this cheese ice cream really surprised me. Yummy, good, delicious can't agree more leker pisan and R falling in love with this cake.

Lemonade something

My menu: 

Bakerzin Gourmet Burger

Heaven! Big portion, moist meat and yummy mushroom. R love the bread and i cant stop ate that... maybe they put weed in that burger.. Hahaha i have no doubt to order this again. And my dessert jeng.. jeng... and quite disappointed because that souffle make me wanna puke.. I'm so sorry. But i need to finished what i ordered. i still can tasted the egg and i think the egg and sugar not blend well. Just like Mr.Gordon said "Souffle is the hardest cake that you can make"

Bailey’s Irish Cream Souffle

and my TWG tea....

Most of all, I'm very pleased about the food although i disappointed about the souffle but this is very important, they have GOOD service, every waiter smile very friendly and kind. They give honest opinion about their food, because one of the waiters told us that we shouldn't order their vanilla ice cream because it was horrible, so we decided to order cheese ice cream on our warm chocolate cake. Nice! Psst! there's no smoking area on Saturday and Sunday... 

Untuk Rating :
Food : 8.5/10
Ambiance : 8/10 
Service : 8.5/10
Spend : 135.000,-
Plaza Indonesia Level 1
The Plaza, 9th – 10th Floor
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28 – 30 
Jakarta 10350 
Ph: 021.29923719 
Fax: 021.29923715

With Love,


  1. Teteup ya veb, kue goyang soufle hahaha. oya makanannya robby keliatannya ga enak, tapi ga tau sih hahaha, abis kurang cantik ahhaha

    1. enak nez... tapi emang ditata-nya kurang cantik.. penampilannya menipu.... :p

  2. Replies
    1. i call them wiggle cake because they can wiggle when you shake the plate :D

  3. I like your blog! And all those yummy foods. :D

  4. kmren dlu cobain souffle nya pas baru buka enak loh mnurut ku. eheheh. tp liat bbrapa org blg amis dan terlalu bau telur yah sekarang ?

    1. iya menurut-ku juga bgtu enak :), tapi semakin kesini semakin amis aku jadi ragu mau pesen lagi... Mending pesen warm chocolate cakenya.. enak... :p

  5. Bakerzin rata2 enak kok walaupun ada beberapa menu yang kurang memuaskan. tp over all masih bisa dibilang OK. dan cara paling hemat emang beli voucher2 diskon tp sekarang lagi gak ada yang ngeluarin voucher diskon buat bakerzin. cek MetroDeal Indonesia juga belom ada..


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